

Theft and robbery

When expats living in Brussels flock together in a Japanese restaurant in the evening, there is always a topic that always excites all the people any time: theft and robbery cases occurred …


Both of my parents are of Osaka origin. Though I brought up there only in short period time in my childhood, Osaka dialect (especially those spoken in Sakai City—in strict dialectological …

Fish of Brazil

Besides Brazilian beef, one of other features of Brazilian dishes is its wide range of freshwater fish. For instance, Pirarucu, inhibiting in Rivers such as Amazon and famous as one of the …

Brazilian Beef/Carne Brasileira

After moving to Sao Paulo, Brazil as an expat, it did not take too long to get addicted to Brazilian Beef. It is wordlessly lovely. Main species of beef in Brazil is called Nelore, …

Faxineira(housemaid) in San Paulo

A bit long time ago when I was stationed in Sao Paulo as expat, leaving my family in Tokyo and living alone there, I hired faxineira (housemaid) twice a week for cleaning and laundry. …


According to statistics in 2023, there are 6.9million dogs in Japan, almost comparable to total population of adolescents under age 5 (f 7.2milion). Because of sharp fall of number of new born baby, …

Living Together

Westerners may be surprised to know that many Japanese young people beyond age of 18 still live together with parents, especially in mega cities like Tokyo. …

Demonstration march

Strike by workers has been hardly seen for more than 4 decades in Japan. It shows vivid contrast against many European countries, …


Strike by workers has been hardly seen for more than 4 decades in Japan. It shows vivid contrast against many European countries, …

Hardness of Water in West Europe

What makes most of Japanese moving and/traveling to Europe nervous is high rate of epidemic of theft compared with that in Japan. …


One of my first surprise upon starting life in West European country (i.g. Germany) was obvious difference of odor and taste of tap water. …

English proficiency for Japanese Business person

What will be necessary proficiency level of English language for Japanese Businessperson? To date, TOEIC …


Here in Japan people’s mindset that “seller (of goods and services) should always subordinate “buyer/customer (buyer)” …

Choice of restaurant

If you are traveling to Brussels and looking for nice local restaurants for dinner, those in Rue des Bouchers appears attractive, …

Vacances in Europe Part 3

Please let me continue a series of short essay on vacation...since last summer. What the normal Europeans do at the destination of the vacation? …

Meal and alcohol

Alcoholic beverages are indivisible part of culinary culture in Europe and Americas. It is hard to imagine a dinner table without wine (or beer) in these countries, though …

About daily Meal

When I had the first opportunity to join normal supper at home with a family in Germany, I could not stop feeling a surprise. …

Social Manner at shops and restaurants

Japanese regard themselves, sometimes quite boastfully, “land of courtesy”. However such bragging (?) is not necessarily applicable to those …

Spontaneous cleaning and tidying-up of Japanese

I have seen a media coverage that "proudly" reports that the rocker room of national sports team of Japan, football and baseball for instance, …

Business Negotiation

More than 30 year of experience in global business has given me numerous opportunities of business negotiation, especially those with European and US businessperson. …

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