

Business Negotiation

More than 30 year of experience in global business has given me numerous opportunities of business negotiation, especially those with European and US businessperson. …


Once upon a time when I was stationed in Sao Paulo, Brazil…A massive big project that I was engaged as leader had been bogged up with troubles after troubles. …

Eating-out in West Europe

Japanese people traveling around West European countries will often be surprised by price of meal at restaurants. While in our homeland, …

Fortification in suburb of Antwerp

Surly since 16th century, City of Antwerp, Antwerpen in Dutch and Anvers in French, has long been bestowed the fame of “Metropole of Trading in Europe“ ...

The Wall of East and West Germany (Part II)

In 1989, when I was getting used to life in Munich as a German trainee at the company, I napped at night with a white beer ...

The Wall between East and West Germany (Part 1)

In 1989, I had the opportunity to study West German culture and language for a year as part of ...

Tale of an Expatriate #3
“Easy Bus Commute”

The population of Slovenia is about only 2 million. Its capital Ljubljana is a small city with ...

St Andrews Old Course

Regarding golf in the UK, I would like to first write about the world's most famous and all golfer's longing St Andrews Old Course. ...

Surrounding Walking Path of Ljubljana, Slovenia

The population of Slovenia is about only 2 million. Its capital Ljubljana is a small city with 280 thousand people. ...

Networking with golf

What is needed as the top management of the overseas operations is getting latest information of changing law, regulations etc. ...

Matsutake mushroom in Algeria

Matsutake is a king of taste in autumn. In the Atlas Mountains of Algeria, matsutake with good shape, taste and aroma was harvested in autumn. ...

Greater Detroit Japan America Society

I had been working for branch office in Detroit of some SOGO SHOUSHA as a Director Branch Administration from 1988 through 2004. ...

How to protect ASSETs in Africa ?

I heard this story when I was living in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. I heard this story when I was living in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. ...

Team Building

Companies in Europe are not necessarily a cluster of individualists. Many of them give emphasis ...

Tale of an Expatriate #2
"Finding an Apartment"

My longed-for life in New York has begun. First of all, I urgently needed to find a place to live ...

India and Japan

There seems to be no example of a society that shows theoretical antithesis as …

Harry and John.

I spent the first four years of my career with a manufacturer, …

Products and service only Japanese can do

Many department stores withdraw in Asia, but Fuji Supermarket has kept on …

Improtant things in overseas work

I spent 37 years involved in overseas sales, including living for …

Unforgettable Incident---911 United We Stand

A horrible memory that I can never ever forget throughout my expatriate …

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